Local Working Groups play a central role in the REPLACE project. They help to prepare the ground for regional replacement campaigns towards efficient heating and cooling, and they steer the direction of replacement activities. In order to reach that goal, the Local Working Groups connect all key actors in each REPLACE region.
In the 10 REPLACE regions from Western over Central to Southeastern Europe, the set up of Local Working Groups has started in the first half of 2020. Participants invited come from national authorities, local or regional governments, self-government units, consumer associations, developers, energy utilities, and professional associations e.g. of craftsmen, entrepreneurs or energy controllers.
The topics discussed in the first meetings ranged from the presentation and discussion of framework conditions for replacements, the depiction of the current situation of the regional heating and cooling sector, discussion of technical aspects like the introduction of renewable energy-based heating and cooling technologies or the technical potential for replacements, and chosing effective replacement campaigns that fit the specific situation.
From September 2020 to April 2022, another four to five meetings are planned for each Local Working Group in order to develop replacement activities with maximum regional impact.