Das erste Treffen der Lokalen Arbeitsgruppe im Oberland fand bezeichnender Weise am Rußigen Freitag statt – einem Karnevalstag, an dem auch Kaminkehrer-Ruß eine Rolle spielt. Beim Treffen in Penzberg ging es darum, Wissen und Netzwerke zusammenzubringen und damit Kräfte für den Heizungstausch in der Region zu bündeln. Vor Ort waren Vertreter*innen von Energieberatungen, Kaminkehrern, Industrie- und Handelskammer und Verbraucherzentrale.
Continue reading “Rußiger Freitag – erstes Treffen der Lokalen Arbeitsgruppe im Oberland”Prvi sastanak lokalne radne skupine projekta REPLACE
Prvi sastanak lokalne radne skupine projekta REPLACE za područje sjeverozapadne Hrvatske održao se prošli tjedan. Iako se inicijalno sastanak trebao održati u REGEA-inom uredu u Zagrebu, zbog trenutne situacije morali smo pribjeći nekim drugim metodama. Iskoristili smo dostupne alate i tehnologije, održali online sastanak i tako omogućili predstavnicima privatnog i javnog sektora, udruženja dimnjačara i energetske zadruge da iz udobnosti vlastitog doma diskutiraju o izazovima i mogućnostima zamjene neučinkovitih sustava grijanja i hlađenja u kućanstvima u Hrvatskoj. Dodatno smo prokomentirali i buduće projektne aktivnosti koje za cilj imaju informirati što veći broj građana o ekološkim i ekonomskim koristima novih sustava grijanja i hlađenja te ih potaknuti na zamjenu neučinkovitih sustava grijanja u njihovim domovima.
First Local Working Group meeting in North-West Croatia
Last week REGEA held a first Local Working Group meeting in North-West Croatia. Although it was supposed to be held at REGEA’s premises, the extraordinary pandemic-situation did not stop regular project activities. With the help of a communication platform and online survey tools, the meeting was successfully organised online. Going online REGEA enabled the representatives of the private and public sectors, chimney associations and energy cooperatives to discuss, from the comfort of their own home, the challenges and possibilities of replacing inefficient home heating and cooling systems in Croatia. In addition, the group discussed future project activities aimed at informing as many citizens as possible about the environmental and economic benefits of new heating and cooling systems and encouraging them to replace inefficient heating systems in their homes.
REPLACE Početni sastanak u Beču
U novembru 2019. godine, 12 partnerskih organizacija iz 10 evropskih regija sastalo se kako bi započeli projektne aktivnosti. Njihov zajednički cilj: zamena starih sistema grejanja i hlađenja klimatski prihvatljivijim alternativama i ušteda energije jednostavnim merama obnove.
REPLACE Početni sastanak u Beču
U studenom 2019. godine, 12 partnerskih organizacija iz 10 evropskih regija sastalo se kako bi započeli projektne aktivnosti. Njihov zajednički cilj: zamjena starih sustava grijanja i hlađenja klimatski prihvatljivijim alternativama i ušteda energije jednostavnim mjerama obnove.
REPLACE Početni sastanak u Beču
U novembru 2019. godine, 12 partnerskih organizacija iz 10 evropskih regija sastalo se kako bi započeli projektne aktivnosti. Njihov zajednički cilj: zamjena starih sistema grijanja i hlađenja klimatski prihvatljivijim alternativama i ušteda energije jednostavnim mjerama obnove.
Local Working Group Bayerisches Oberland: 1st meeting
Invitations went out: REPLACE’s Local Working Group for the Bayerisches Oberland starts in Penzberg in February. During four to five meetings, replacement-campaigns will be developed and implemented: inefficient heating systems in exchange for economic and eco-friendly ones.
Kick-Off Local Working Group Austria: in March in Salzburg
The kick-off meeting of the local working group for the Austrian REPLACE target region, the province of Salzburg, will take place in the city of Salzburg at the beginning of March.
Brainstorming in February: Letter of Support donors and federal organisations in Vienna
At the beginning of February the Austrian Letter of Support donors and federal organisations relevant to REPLACE will be invited to a project presentation and brainstorming meeting. Ideas for implementing an oil-fired boiler replacement effectively will be discussed and it will be explored where and in what form cooperation is possible with activities planned.
Local Working Group: Exploratory talks in Salzburg
The Austrian Energy Agency had exploratory talks with core members of the Local Working Group about the project, the LWG composition and the tasks and a sounding of the activities of the LWG by mid-December in the City of Salzburg.