Local Working Groups: 1st meetings start

In REPLACE’s 10 European target regions, local working groups start from January until April 2020. Their common goal is to develop, implement and steer regional replacement campaigns and to realize sustainable heating and cooling systems. Until March 2022 there are 4 – 5 meetings planned for each region.

REPLACE: Reunión de lanzamiento en Viena

La reunión de lanzamiento del proyecto REPLACE, celebrada en Viena en noviembre de 2019, congregó a 12 organizaciones de 10 regiones europeas para definir las actividades estratégicas que dan comienzo al proyecto. El objetivo común: promover programas de sustitución de sistemas de calefacción y refrigeración obsoletos por alternativas que ayuden a combatir el cambio climático y permitan reducir el consumo de energía, apoyado por medidas simples dirigidas a la envolvente del edificio y al sistema de distribución de calor.

REPLACE: официален старт във Виена

Дванадесет организации от 10 региона в Европа се събраха през ноември 2019 г. във Виена, за да дадат официален старт на проекта REPLACE. Целта, която ги обединява, е смяна на системите за отопление и охлаждане с по-ефективни и екологосъобразни алтернативи.

REPLACE Kick-Off in Vienna

At the REPLACE Kick-Off in Vienna in November 2019, 12 partner-organisations from 10 European regions met to get activities started. Their common goal: to replace old heating and cooling systems with climate-friendly alternatives and to save energy through simple renovation measures.

Lokale Arbeitsgruppe Oberland: 1. Treffen

Die Einladungen sind versendet: Start der lokalen REPLACE-Arbeitsgruppe für das Bayerische Oberland ist im Februar in Penzberg. An vier bis fünf Terminen geht es bis Ende 2022 darum, Kampagnen zum Heizungstausch zu entwickeln und umzusetzen: ineffiziente im Austausch gegen wirtschaftliche und umweltfreundliche Anlagen.

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