The aim of the REPLACE project is to motivate and support people in target regions of nine different countries to replace their old heating systems with more environmentally friendly alternatives or to implement simple renovation measures that reduce overall energy consumption of the buildings..
For the replacement to be successful, the commitment of intermediaries and investors is as necessary as the involvement of end users.
- This report aims therefore at providing professional intermediaries (such as installers, chimney sweepers, building developers, energy advisors, etc.) with in-depth knowledge of the renewable heating and cooling systems options available on the market today.
- The objective is to make them well-trained facilitators of replacements and to enable them to measure and communicate expected energy and financial savings and wider societal benefits of heating and cooling replacements.
- At the same time, the report informs investors (either financing institutions, public authorities, energy suppliers, or homeowners) about economic issues, best practices and innovative business models, as well as model contracts, for renewable heating and cooling solutions.
Today there is a myriad of heating solutions that consumers, professional intermediaries and investors can choose from: while non-renewable technologies running on fossil fuels exist and are still available on the market, this report only covers and addresses heating & cooling systems which make use of renewable energy sources.
Replacement Handbooks are available in the relevant languages: