The first meeting of REPLACE’s KAGoP Local Working Group (LWG) was organised on 12th May by SDEWES Skopje. An online ZOOM meeting was held in order to undertake the goals and activities of the REPLACE project, as the project aims to motivate and support people in nine different countries to replace their old systems with environmentally friendly alternatives. The Local Working Group includes representatives from the municipalities of Karposh, Aerodrom, Gjorce Petrov, as well as representatives from the organisations CeProSARD, Habitat-Macedonia and the Association of Licensed Energy Controllers. In total 10 participant made the first meeting productive and through a fruitful discussion several topics were tackled.

The working group has a key role in the implementation of the onsite activities and promoting current and future events. Their positive feedback about the project goals and perspective of the locally adapted campaigns led to organising a second LWG meeting within the next months.