Two fairs to promote heating replacement and sustainable construction were jointly organized by BSERC and EnEffect. The first one took place in the town of Pazardzhik from 2nd to 4th September and the second one – in the town of Smolyan on 23rd and 24th September. The fairs featured both open-space exhibitions and indoor events. The visitors of the open stands received free advice by the representatives of REPLACE and learned about concrete sustainable heating and construction solutions from the exhibiting companies and public bodies.

In parallel to the open fairs, a series of indoor events were organized for different target groups: installers, designers, and suppliers of heating and construction technologies and materials; municipalities and other public bodies; energy agencies; and households. The events covered numerous topics – EU and national policies, trends, technical solutions, socio-economic and environmental aspects, financial sources, etc., related to sustainable heating and construction.
The Bulgarian team in REPLACE continues its efforts in establishing information hubs in the Rhodope municipalities. Printed materials were and will be disseminated to local households through the municipal administrations – technology factsheets, information about best practices for heating replacement, guidelines, etc. Additionally, advantage is taken of the municipal websites and social media channels to regularly inform the citizens about the project outputs.