The aim of the REPLACE project is to motivate and support people in target regions of nine different countries to replace their old heating systems with more environmentally friendly alternatives or to implement simple renovation measures that reduce overall energy consumption of the buildings.
In order to support consumers in making the right replacement choice, this report provides a practical guide to end-users who are considering replacing their heating system or undertaking an energy efficiency measure in their home.
- The report will give useful information on the economic, environmental and social benefits of replacing an old and inefficient heating system with an innovative low-carbon and renewable one.
- Additionally, the report advises on the steps that every informed consumer should take before and during the replacement process and answers the most common questions that end-users ask in this context.
- Finally, the report presents a comprehensive list of the renewable heating and cooling technologies currently available on the European market through concise and illustrated technology factsheets.
Today there is a myriad of heating solutions that you can choose from: while non-renewable technologies running on fossil fuels exist and are still available on the market, this report only covers and addresses heating & cooling systems which make use of renewable energy sources.
Replacement Handbooks are available in the relevant languages: