Прв состанок на работната група

Првиот состанок на работната група за КАГоП регионот во рамките на проектот REPLACE беше организиран на 12.05.2020 од страна на SDEWES-Скопје. Состанокот се одржа преку ZOOM платформата со цел презентација на целите и активностите на проектот. Проектот REPLACE се стреми да ги мотивира и поддржи луѓето во девет различни земји да ги заменат нивните стари системи со еколошки алтернативи. Локалната работна група вклучува чинители од општините Карпош, Аеродом, Ѓорче Петров, како и претставници од организациите ЦеПроСАРД, ХАБИТАТ-Македонија и Здружението на лиценцирани енергетски контролори. Вкупно 10 чинители го дадоа својот придонес на овој состанок каде се дискутираа актуелни теми.

Локалната работна група има клучна улога во имплементација на сите активности на терен и во промоција на тековни и идни настани. Нивниот позитивен став за целите на проектот и перспективата на регионалните кампањи го дефинираа одржувањето на следен состанок во следните неколку месеци.

First Macedonian meeting of REPLACE´s Local Working Group on 12th May

The first meeting of REPLACE’s KAGoP Local Working Group (LWG) was organised on 12th May by SDEWES Skopje. An online ZOOM meeting was held in order to undertake the goals and activities of the REPLACE project, as the project aims to motivate and support people in nine different countries to replace their old systems with environmentally friendly alternatives. The Local Working Group includes representatives from the municipalities of Karposh, Aerodrom, Gjorce Petrov, as well as representatives from the organisations CeProSARD, Habitat-Macedonia and the Association of Licensed Energy Controllers. In total 10 participant made the first meeting productive and through a fruitful discussion several topics were tackled.

The working group has a key role in the implementation of the onsite activities and promoting current and future events. Their positive feedback about the project goals and perspective of the locally adapted campaigns led to organising a second LWG meeting within the next months.  

Heizkesseltausch – Österreichisches Klimaschutzministerium fördert Umstieg auf saubere Heizungen im Jahr 2020 mit 100 Millionen Euro

Bis zu 5.000 Euro pro Haushalt – „Raus aus Öl“-Bonus ab sofort unter www.umweltfoerderung.at beantragen – 42,7 Millionen Euro für thermische Sanierung.

Das Klimaschutzministerium (BMK) fördert den Umstieg von umweltschädlichen fossilen Heizungen auf neue, saubere Alternativen im Jahr 2020 mit 100 Millionen Euro. Mit der Förderung können bis zu 22.000 Heizungen (Öl, Kohle, Gas) ausgetauscht werden. Neben der Förderung für den Ölkesseltausch stehen weitere 42,7 Millionen Euro für thermische Sanierungen von betrieblichen, kommunalen und Wohngebäuden zur Verfügung. Beide Maßnahmen ermöglichen eine CO2-Reduktion von mehr als 180.000 Tonnen pro Jahr.

Alle Informationen zu den Förderungen und die Möglichkeit, Förderungen zu beantragen, unter www.umweltfoerderung.at.

Segunda reunión del Grupo de Trabajo Local en España el 28 de mayo

El 28 de mayo se celebrará una segunda reunión del Grupo de Trabajo Local en España. Mientras que la primera reunión se dirigió a empresas privadas, ingenierías, cooperativas energéticas y asociaciones de fabricantes e instaladores de biomasa y solar, esta segunda reunión se dirige a organizaciones de usuarios, agencias de energía provinciales y locales, EnerAgen e IDAE. Take a look at the bonanza slots.

Second Local Working Group meeting in Spain on May 28th

Photo of the first meeting of the LWG in Spain.

A second Local Working Group (LWG) meeting will take place in Spain on May 28th. While the first LWG meeting was addressed to private companies, engineering companies, energy cooperatives, and associations of biomass and solar manufacturers and installers, this second LWG meeting is addressed to consumer organizations, local and provincial agencies, the association of Spanish energy agencies and the national energy agency.

Sooty Friday – first Local Working Group meeting in the Bavarian Oberland

First Local Workin Group meeting in the Bavarian Oberland

The first meeting of REPLACE’s Oberland Local Working Group took place on 25th February – a date with the descriptive name “sooty Friday” which is a traditional chimney sweepers’ day in the region. At the meeting in Penzberg, knowledge and networks were brought together to bundle forces for a heating system change in the region. Representatives from energy consultancies, chimney sweepers, the Chamber of Crafts for Munich and Oberbayern, and the Consumer Advice Center Bavaria were present.

Continue reading “Sooty Friday – first Local Working Group meeting in the Bavarian Oberland”

Rußiger Freitag – erstes Treffen der Lokalen Arbeitsgruppe im Oberland

First Local Workin Group meeting in the Bavarian Oberland

Das erste Treffen der Lokalen Arbeitsgruppe im Oberland fand bezeichnender Weise am Rußigen Freitag statt – einem Karnevalstag, an dem auch Kaminkehrer-Ruß eine Rolle spielt. Beim Treffen in Penzberg ging es darum, Wissen und Netzwerke zusammenzubringen und damit Kräfte für den Heizungstausch in der Region zu bündeln. Vor Ort waren Vertreter*innen von Energieberatungen, Kaminkehrern, Industrie- und Handelskammer und Verbraucherzentrale.

Continue reading “Rußiger Freitag – erstes Treffen der Lokalen Arbeitsgruppe im Oberland”

First Spanish Local Working Group online meeting

The first REPLACE Spanish LWG online meeting has been programmed for April 28th. EREN has invited 12 stakeholders to meet with Francisco Puente from ESCAN and Puy Domínguez, Rafael Ayuste and Ricardo González from EREN. Thus, arrangements have been made for 16 people meeting online.

Prvi sastanak lokalne radne skupine projekta REPLACE

Prvi sastanak lokalne radne skupine projekta REPLACE za područje sjeverozapadne Hrvatske održao se prošli tjedan. Iako se inicijalno sastanak trebao održati u REGEA-inom uredu u Zagrebu, zbog trenutne situacije morali smo pribjeći nekim drugim metodama. Iskoristili smo dostupne alate i tehnologije, održali online sastanak i tako omogućili predstavnicima privatnog i javnog sektora, udruženja dimnjačara i energetske zadruge da iz udobnosti vlastitog doma diskutiraju o izazovima i mogućnostima zamjene neučinkovitih sustava grijanja i hlađenja u kućanstvima u Hrvatskoj. Dodatno smo prokomentirali i buduće projektne aktivnosti koje za cilj imaju informirati što veći broj građana o ekološkim i ekonomskim koristima novih sustava grijanja i hlađenja te ih potaknuti na zamjenu neučinkovitih sustava grijanja u njihovim domovima.

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