In order to highlight the effort of the heat consumers switching their heat system to renewable energies, a 100% RHC label was designed to display on their houses with a purpose to encourage and motive other consumers to replace their system to climate friendly alternatives. Therefore, in early October KAGoP region initiate a call and published it on the municipal websites, so that the citizens who have 100% RHC system can apply and be awarded with green sticker and energy efficient lights. The response was really satisfying, as almost 80 citizens were interested and wiling to represent an example for environmentally aware end-users. Given the current pandemic situation, KAGoP region organized separate events in each of the municipalities where the citizens could receive their green labels. The first event was organized in municipality of Karposh on 7th of December 2021, where the mayor expressed his contentment about this successful campaign. Additionally, two other events on the 21st of December in municipality of Gjorce Petrov and 23rd of December in municipality of Aerodrom were organized where the municipal representatives shared the labels among the end-users who have installed renewable heating system. The campaign was finalized as the consumers displayed their labels and provide us with many photos of different renewable heating systems, becoming an example for good replacement practices.
Municipality of Gjorche Petrov Municipality of Aerodrom Municipality of Karposh