On 14 February 2022, the consortium meeting of the REPLACE project took place and gave an impressive overview of how people in the nine target regions in Western, Central and South-Eastern Europe can currently benefit from the heating system replacement actions.
In the morning program of Sarajevo Television (TV SA), we had the opportunity to discuss the REPLACE project and the activities carried out within the campaign to replace old and inefficient heating systems with alternatives on renewable energy sources.
The audience was introduced to how they can also participate in REPLACEMENT activities in Sarajevo Canton and thus become ambassadors of positive change and contribute to environmental protection. Some activities in which citizens can take part include 6 techno-economic feasibility studies for households, REPLACE info hubs where residents of Sarajevo Canton can get information about replacement options, alternatives available on the market and other useful information.
Citizens who have already replaced their heating systems can participate in the 100% renewable heating campaign, and also can apply to host the activity “open house events” where they would share their experience with visitors regarding the replacement and transition to the use of renewable energy sources. As part of this activity, gifts will be provided for the hosts.
U jutarnjem programu televizije Sarajevo (TV SA) imali smo priliku razgovarati o projektu REPLACE i aktivnostima koji se provode u okviru kampanje zamjene starih i neefikasnih sistema grijanja sa alternativama na obnovljive izvore energije.
Gledaoci su upoznati na koji način i oni mogu učestvovati u aktivnostima ZAMJENE i na taj način postati ambasadori pozitivnih promjena te doprinijeti zaštiti okoliša. Samo neke aktivnosti u kojima građani mogu uzeti učešće podrazumijevaju besplatno sprovođenje 6 tehno-ekonomskih studija izvodljivosti za domaćinstva, REPLACE info štandovi na kojima stanovnici Kantona Sarajevo mogu da se informišu o mogućnostima zamjene, dostupnim alternativama na tržištu i da dobiju druge korisne informacije. Građani koji su već zamijenili svoje sisteme grijanja mogu učestvovati u aktivnosti označavanja stambenih objekata koji se griju na 100% obnovljive izvore energije, kao što su pelet, toplotne pumpe itd., a također se mogu prijaviti da budu domaćini u okviru aktivnosti „dani otvorenih kotlovnica“ gdje bi posjetiteljima prenijeli svoje iskustvo vezano za zamjenu i prelazak na korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije. U okviru ove aktivnosti će biti obezbijeđeni pokloni za domaćine.
The Municipality of Ilijaš provides great support to the activities within the REPLACE project in the Sarajevo Canton region and is conducting a significant media campaign to spread the news about the project to as many of their residents. For that purpose, a radio interview was organized with the representatives of the project team on REPLACE info hub, which was set up in the premises of this municipality from January 31 to 7. You can listen to the whole interview on the recording below.
Općina Ilijaš pruža veliku podršku aktivnostima u okviru projekta REPLACE u regiji Kantona Sarajevo te provodi i značajnu medijsku kampanju kako bi vijesti o projektu stigle do što većeg broja njihovih stanovnika. U tu svrhu, organiziran je i radijski intervju sa predstavnicima projektnog tima na temu informativnog štanda projekta REPLACE koji je u prostorijama ove opštine bio postavljen u periodu od 31. januara do 7. Cijeli intervju možete poslušati na snimku koji se nalazi ispod.
U periodu od 31. januara do 7. februara veliki broj građana općine Ilijaš posjetio je informativni štand projekta REPLACE gdje su iskoristili priliku da dobiju korisne savjete od strane članova našeg tima o svim pojedinostima vezanim za zamjenu sistema grijanja, alternativama dostupnim na tržištu, prednostima zamjene i mogućim izazovima.
Pored informativnog materijala koji su mogli preuzeti na štandu, posjetitelji su mogli uraditi početni pregled koji tip sistema grijanja zasnovan na obnovljivim izvorima energije je najprikladniji za njihov stambeni objekat uz pomoć Replace matrica grijanja, a nakon toga uraditi i proračun za procjenu investicija koristeći Replace kalkulator . Posebnu zainteresiranost građani su iskazali za alternativne opcije kao što su toplotne pumpe i kotlovi na pelet.
Pojedini posjetioci REPLACE informativnog štanda, odlučili su i da uzmu aktivno učešće u projektnim aktivnostima kroz:
označavanje objekata koji se griju na 100% obnovljive izvore energije,
izradu tehno-ekonomske studije izvodljivosti zamjene sistema grijanja te
On Saturday, 22 January 2022, four operators of district heating systems in the Oberland opened their doors. Interested imitators were able to ask questions about planning, construction and operation and received practical tips. The action took place in cooperation between deputy regional farmer Christine Singer from Hofheim and the EU-funded heating exchange project REPLACE of Energiewende Oberland.
In Antdorf, Johann Schweyer Sr. has already cleared the snow on the way to the heating house. Inside you can see the district heating system, which has been reliably supplying heat to four houses with a total of twelve households since 2009. What motivated them to build it? How do the operators monitor their systems? And what tips do they have for imitators? In addition to the Schweyer family, operators from Habach (Strobl and Kennerknecht families), Leibersberg (Georg Miller) and Hofheim (Singer family) took part in the campaign and answered questions.
The Schweyer family at the heating inspection in Antdorf. Copyright: EWOGeorg Miller shows the moving floor that reliably transports woodchips into the kiln at his Leibersberg village heating system. Quelle: EWOMarkus Kennerknecht (on the left in the picture) and Andreas Scharli (EWO) at the heating inspection in Habach. Quelle: EWOThe Singer family at the heating inspection in Hofheim. Quelle: EWO
All four district heating families have farms and at the same time act as heat suppliers for the neighbouring houses. As Josef Schweyer jun. from Antdorf reports, they can thus bring in their own wood for the woodchip heating system and thus also generate added value for their own farm. The reason for building the system in Antdorf was the planning of further buildings in the same street and thus the idea of a joint heat supply. In the case of the Singer family in Hofheim, it was the thought of ageing and the desire to use a simpler heating technology than logs. In conversation with the neighbours, the district heating system for all came about by chance. And for Markus Kennerknecht from Habach, the advantage of a communal heating system is clear: “With a district heating system, people don’t need to buy oil or pellets, and the smell of oil in the cellar is gone.”
Am Samstag, den 22. Januar öffneten vier Betreiber von Dorfheizungen im Oberland ihre Türen. Interessierte Nachahmer konnten Fragen zu Planung, Bau und Betrieb stellen und erhielten Tipps aus der Praxis. Die Aktion fand in Zusammenarbeit zwischen stellvertretender Landesbäuerin Christine Singer aus Hofheim und dem EU-finanzierten Heizungstauschprojekt REPLACE von Energiewende Oberland statt.
In Antdorf hat Johann Schweyer sen. schon den Schnee auf dem Weg zum Heizhaus geräumt. Drin ist die Dorfheizung zu sehen, die seit 2009 vier Häuser mit insgesamt zwölf Haushalten zuverlässig mit Wärme versorgt. Was hat sie zum Bau motiviert? Wie überwachen die Betreiber ihre Anlagen? Und welche Tipps gibt es für Nachahmer? Neben Familie Schweyer beteiligten sich Betreiber aus Habach (Familie Strobl und Kennerknecht), Leibersberg (Georg Miller) und Hofheim (Familie Singer) bei der Aktion und beantworteten Fragen.
Familie Schweyer bei der Heizungsbesichtigung in Antdorf. Quelle: EWOGeorg Miller zeigt den Schubboden, der bei seiner Leibersberger Dorfheizung Holzhackschnitzel zuverlässig in den Ofen transportiert. Quelle: EWOMarkus Kennerknecht (links im Bild) und Andreas Scharli (EWO) bei der Heizungsbesichtigung in Habach. Quelle: EWOFamilie Singer bei der Heizungsbesichtigung in Hofheim. Quelle: EWO
Alle vier Dorfheizungs-Familien haben landwirtschaftliche Betriebe und betätigen sich gleichzeitig als Wärmelieferanten für die benachbarten Häuser. Wie Josef Schweyer jun. aus Antdorf berichtet, können sie so das eigene Holz für die Holzhackschnitzelheizung einbringen und damit auch Wertschöpfung für den eigenen Betrieb erzielen. Anlass zum Bau der Anlage war in Antdorf die Planung weiterer Gebäude in der gleichen Straße und damit die Idee einer gemeinsamen Wärmeversorgung. Bei Familie Singer in Hofheim war es der Gedanke ans Alter und der Wunsch, eine einfachere Heiztechnik als Scheitholz zu verwenden. Im Gespräch mit den Nachbarn entstand dann aus Zufall die Dorfheizung für alle. Und für Markus Kennerknecht aus Habach ist der Vorteil einer gemeinschaftlichen Heizung klar: „Mit einer Dorfheizung brauchen die Leute kein Öl und keine Pellets zu kaufen, und der Ölgeruch im Keller ist verschwunden.“
Half of Europe’s energy consumption is used for heating and cooling (H&C). However, two thirds of the heating systems installed in European buildings are inefficient. In order to achieve climate neutrality, the decarbonisation of the space heating and cooling in residential sector is therefore essential.
The REPLACE project partners are pleased to invite you to the event “Towards Renewable Heating & Cooling: Replacement of Inefficient Systems in the Residential Sector” to present the key findings of the project and discuss the framework conditions for replacement, exchanging old conventional fossil fuel systems with renewable ones.
This event is an excellent opportunity to learn how the phase-out of fossil-based heating systems can be brought forward in the European agenda and to find out more about modern renewable technologies. The event will also provide the chance to engage with key policymakers, industry and end-users representatives on the potential and challenges of renewable H&C solutions in buildings. We invite you for discussions on how renewable energy at home can contribute to Europe’s energy transition, while empowering consumers in their energy choices.
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