In the Rhodope region in Bulgaria, the REPLACE your Heating System Calculator provides valuable support to households to choose the best heating technology for their home. Together with the following two households, REPLACE project partner BSERC has found out about technologies that fit to the buildings, about operating costs, pay back times and savings in money and CO2.
The island of Mali Losinj in the Adriatic Sea is a popular Croatian holiday destination. Since in summer the rooms are not only cooled for the island population, but also for tourist guests, the energy demand is quite high. To show how the demand can be met by renewable energy systems, REPLACE partner Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) organised an open house day on the island on 12th April 2022.
Even professionals can use support when it comes to climate-friendly heating and cooling. And who better to provide this support than REPLACE project partner REGEA at the thirteenth Chamber of Commerce fair in Krapina-Zagorje County, the largest gathering of businessmen, craftsmen, family agricultural farms and many others in the Zagorje region.
Heating networks powered by renewable energies can be a good lever for climate protection: In addition to replacing individual heating systems, they supply entire streets with climate-friendly heat. At the same time, they offer the possibility of becoming independent of fluctuating energy prices and oil and gas supplies from abroad, as well as saving money. But how are heating networks planned, built and operated?
If you are thinking of purchasing a renewable heating system not only for your own house, but for a multi-apartment building, the process is easier if you can assess in advance whether the purchase is worthwhile. REPLACE partner SDEWES developed a techno-economic study for a representative building in the KaGoP region that showed promising results.
One of the REPLACE model cases of best practice in Slovenia is the holistic energy renovation of a row house of the Županič family in Ljubljana. As envisaged in the REPLACE project, the family installed a climate-friendly heating system, while at the same time reducing their energy consumption through renovation measures. The house is located in a densely populated area in Ljubljana. And before the actual implementation of the works, the investor went through all the necessary steps as described in the REPLACE handbooks.
In order to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies, the Spanish REPLACE partners EREN and Escan promote the use of biomass in buildings and homes. And to thereby save a particularly large amount of CO2 emissions and support Europe to become climate-neutral by 2050, the REPLACE partners have focused on a particularly rewarding region in Spain.
In the EU-funded heating exchange project REPLACE, Energiewende Oberland, together with the region’s climate protection managers, has designed an award for all those in the Oberland who already heat 100% with renewable energies. It is intended to honour those who are already acting in a climate-friendly way when it comes to heating, and to motivate others to follow suit.
The “100% renewable heating” label is awarded by Energiewende Oberland or the climate protection managers concerned.
Christian Eiring (Head of the Maschinenring Wolfratshausen, left) und Andreas Scharli (Energiewende Oberland)
On Saturday, 11 June 2022, Maschinenring Wolfratshausen invited guests to Egling to celebrate its 50th anniversary, and the REPLACE heating transition project was also represented with its own info booth. The association with 1,200 members takes care of the machinery side of energy wood processing. With solidarity in mind, the members of the ring buy special machines, use them together and support each other.
At the anniversary event, Andreas Scharli from Energiewende Oberland gave advice at the REPLACE info booth to members of the machinery ring who operate heating networks themselves. “People who have already been operating heating networks for 10 or 15 years are currently overrun with enquiries. Customers want to become independent of imported oil and gas and switch to renewable energies from the region,” says energy consultant Andreas Scharli. Scharli supported the expert audience at the event with information on the expansion and economic operation of their grids.
The EU-funded heating transition project REPLACE aims to motivate citizens to exchange their old and inefficient heating systems and to switch to climate-friendly technologies. The project also targets professionals who advise on, plan and implement heating exchanges, as well as public authorities and investors.
Проектот REPLACE се движи напред според планираното. И како што покажа проектниот состанок на 30 јуни 2022 година, голем број од планираните алатки и активности веќе се имплементирани за да се мотивираат луѓето во проектните региони да се префрлат на обновливите извори на системи за греење и ладење и да заштедат енергија.
At the June 2022 meeting, the team focused on progress in the REPLACE project as well as the current energy price situation.
Меѓу другото, сите семинари за обука на REPLACE, вклучително и некои последователни обуки, веќе се имплементирани. Професионалци во Северна Македонија, Хрватска, Бугарија и Словенија добија информации за тоа како да ги заменат системите за греење со климатски прифатливи опции и како да ги поддржат клиентите во заштеда на енергија. Во Словенија е планирана уште една обука за септември 2022 година.
Друга тема која беше во фокус на прокетниот состанок е имплементацијата на колективни акции кои истовремено таргетираат голем број клиенти. Покрај локалните мрежи за греење во Германија или логистички центар за биомаса во Шпанија, партнерот во Северна Македонија планира да започне заедничко купување на топлински пумпи со инвертер и PV за колективни станови со помош на предфизибилити студија. Во Австрија, за прв пат беше развиен едношалтерски систем преку веб-страна и од средината на јули го олеснува едноставното префрлување од системи со фосилни горива на системи за обновливи извори и централно греење.
Конечно, тема на средбата беа и актуелните високи цени на енергенсите. Од една страна, тие ја зголемуваат желбата за енергетска независност, на пример преку топлински пумпи и сончева топлинска енергија. Во исто време, порастот на цените може да ја отежне и промената, како што е пример во Босна и Бугарија, каде што порастот на цената на пелетите ја забавува климатската замена на системите за греење. Покрај нив и други земји се соочуваат со слични предизвици. Во двата случаи, REPLACE алатките и активностите помагаат да се насочат напорите за замена на системите за греење во поодржлива насока.
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