Project Reports
The following page is going to include all published reports on survey and analysis results, guidelines and handbooks as well as learning material produced in this project.
Keeping the heat on in times of crisis – A Summary of REPLACE Results – Report D1.2

This report outlines the REPLACE results concisely and graphically illustrated. It depicts the cooperation with Local Working Groups in nine European regions, gives an overview of the REPLACE campaigns and of the main outcomes in the project, from CO2 emissions saved to investments triggered in renewable energy. Further topics are the REPLACE tools developed to support households and professionals, success stories from the REPLACE regions and 12 policy recommendations.
Policy framework conditions assessment and outlook for sustainable heating and cooling in selected European regions – Report D2.1

The following report deals with an overview of policy strategies, measures and instruments related to heating and cooling (HC) equipment. It identifies the main drivers and barriers, and presents success stories of HC replacement projects/instruments in each project region which can potentially be replicated.
Making heating and cooling sustainable – barriers, solutions and best practices – Report D2.2

The focus of this analysis lies on legal aspects that impede the market acceptance of renewable heating and cooling systems. The barriers, their causes and consequences are the main topic of this report.
Survey on existing demand-response (DR) actions and collective actions in the heating and cooling sector and overview of legal and other requirements and challenges – Report D2.3

This report provides information on the status quo of Collective Actions (CAs), Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) and Citizens’ Energy Communities (CECs). Altogether, 19 demand-response actions and 28 examples for collective actions in the REPLACE target countries are shown.
Exchange of experience with previous replacement campaigns and their embedding in policy programms, SWOT of facilitating policy measures – Report D2.4

Report D2.4 shows an in-depth overview of the work that has already been done on national and local level in order to replace inefficient heating and cooling systems. It includes 22 campaigns for the promotion of heating and cooling equipment that had taken place inside the REPLACE regions, plus five more campaigns that occurred outside the target regions.
Inventories of the mind-sets and needs of all relevant stakeholders in the target regions – Report D3.1

Report D3.1 shows the socio-economic motives and mind-sets of REPLACE’s key stakeholders, their perceptions, attitudes and motives in respect to sustainable heating and cooling. The survey’s focus in the nine pilot regions was on heating and cooling equipment replacement issues, market conditions and observations and on related collective actions. Investors additionally were asked about heat supply models and demand response related activities.
Statistical inventories of the heating systems market and development scenarios in the target regions – Report D3.2

This report reflects the status and transition from the use of fossil fuels and inefficient heating and cooling systems for residential buildings to cleaner and more environmentally friendly alternatives in ten EU regions. It describes the impact of the REPLACE project in the number of boilers and homes replacing old inefficient systems by new sustainable ones, as well as the energy savings, CO2 emissions reduction and level of investment triggered.
Heating-matrices showing recommended RES heating technologies fitting to various building types & qualities – Report D4.1

The heating matrices in this report provide an initial overview of which heating system based on renewable (non- fossil) energy sources or district heat is most suitable for a building. The matrices presented, starting from the Austrian “klimaaktiv” blueprints, were adapted regionally with regard to structural and environmental conditions, building standards and economic viability.
Renewable heating & cooling replacement handbook for end consumers – Report D4.2

In order to support consumers in making the right replacement choice, this report provides a practical guide to end-users who are considering replacing their heating system or undertaking an energy efficiency measure in their home. The report gives useful information on the economic, environmental and social benefits, it advises on the steps that should be taken before and during the replacement process and answers the most common questions that end-users ask in this context. Finally, the report presents a comprehensive list of the renewable heating and cooling technologies currently available on the European market.
Replacement handbook for installers, plumbers, chimney sweepers and investors – Report D4.3
For climate friendly replacements of heating and cooling systems to be successful, the commitment of intermediaries and investors is as necessary as the involvement of end users.

This report aims therefore at providing professional intermediaries (such as installers, chimney sweepers, building developers, energy advisors, etc.) with in-depth knowledge of the renewable heating and cooling systems options available on the market today, with the objective of making them well-trained facilitators of replacements and of enabling them to measure and communicate expected energy and financial savings and wider societal benefits of heating and cooling replacements.
At the same time, the report informs investors (either financing institutions, public authorities, energy suppliers, or homeowners) about economic issues, best practices and innovative business models, as well as model contracts, for renewable heating and cooling solutions.
Best Practice Examples of (R)HC Replacements in the Target Regions – Report D4.4

In order to persuade consumers of the benefits of innovative low-carbon and renewable heating and cooling systems, the illustration of best practice examples is an excellent tool to show how replacements can be implemented under real local conditions, being at the same time technically and economically feasible.
This report shows real life testimonies of 38 end-users and building occupants who have recently replaced their old inefficient heating system with a greener solution, which provides both economic and environmental benefits. Three cases from each of the project’s target regions, plus eight innovative best practice examples from more experienced countries (Austria, Germany and Spain), are presented and cover a variety of solutions and approaches, ranging from residential building refurbishment and (R)HC replacement to demand-response and collective consumers actions.
Synthesis report on policy measures – Report D5.1

This report summarises the policy measures that were created and implemented during developing, implementing and steering adequate campaigns and activities for phasing-out fossil-
fuelled or old/inefficient heating systems.
Some measures and activities because of changing framework conditions (especially due to the emerging pandemic situation as well as invasion of Russia in Ukraine) were discarded and re-designed. Nevertheless, many of them were successfully implemented, tested and fine-tuned, accordingly. The results and learnings of these enabling activities are summarised in this report. Some policy measures will even remain beyond project life.
Tackling gender, energy poverty, rebound and lock-in-aspects – Report D5.2

Replace shows that – due to efforts jointly undertaken with public and market stakeholders to establish an enabling environment (by adequate policy measures and programs) – there are many tailor-made activities and approaches existing that can facilitate this phase-out. This report shows what has been done to effectively address gender, energy poverty, rebound and lock-in issues.
REPLACE collective actions – Report D5.3

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenge of phasing out oil, natural gas, coal, inefficient firewood and electricity-only heating systems in Europe’s residential heating markets, given the differences in legal, regulatory and support (e.g. financial) frameworks, market structures and conditions, purchasing power and market development.
This can also be observed in the development and implementation of collective actions to facilitate energy system transformation in the residential heating market. The results and lessons learnt from setting up collective actions are briefly summarised in this report.
REPLACE Learning Material for Training Seminars – Material D5.4
The direct involvement and commitment of intermediaries and investors is key to achieve large-scale climate-friendly replacements. REPLACE therefore conducts training seminars for intermediaries and investors in order to strengthen their capacities and transfer knowledge from experienced professionals to less experienced professionals.

Trainings are conducted in 6 target countries – Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia. Stakeholders addressed are intermediaries, investors, local energy planning authorities, energy agencies, energy service companies ESCOs, energy consultants and energy advisors, and other professionals involved in the field.
For the needs of these trainings, various materials have been prepared that enable proper informing of intermediaries and investors about the basic rules that must be taken into account when planning (R)HC systems. All training material can be obtained in the local languages (including English) via email from the relevant partners.
Action plans for boiler & oven replacement campaigns in ten pilot regions – Report D6.1

REPLACE aims to boost the phase-out of inefficient and old heating and cooling systems. The project implements replacement campaigns, which include activities that shall inform consumers about sustainable heating solutions and motivate them to replace their fossil fuelled or any old, inefficient heating systems.
Report D6.1 contains tailor-made action plans for each pilot region. The action plans define specific activities/measures, time-frame, involved stakeholders and all other necessary details for actual implementation. In addition, local media cooperation strategies for promoting the replacement campaign are part of the action plans.
Overview of boiler & oven replacement activities and campaigns in nine pilot regions – Report D6.2

This report provides an in-depth look at the REPLACE campaigns implemented in the project regions from Western over Central to South-Eastern Europe. All activities served to increase the adoption of renewable heating and cooling systems and to increase awareness of energy-efficient heating practices. Additionally, the activities aimed to address financing and affordability issues and provided information through webinars, information evenings, and all-round carefree packages for heating system replacements.
REPLACE conclusions for policy makers – heating system replacements in times of multiple crises – Report D6.4

Report D6.4, REPLACE conclusions for policy makers – heating system replacements in times of multiple crises, is an outcome of the REPLACE project and reflects the opinions of many European experts in the field of Renewable Energies and Renewable Heating & Cooling.
In this report, twelve urgent queries are presented, where political action would be needed to better foster and accelerate the heat transition in Europe. In addition, innovative ideas which were developed during REPLACE to support the heat transition are shown.