At the beginning of January, the REPLACE team from BiH had the opportunity to take part in the “Sustainability Fair” which was held in the popular CosmoHub. The sustainability fair was intended for the general public/end customers, who wanted to get acquainted with innovative technologies of sustainable development, their possibilities for application, but also accessibility for “ordinary” people.
At their booth, representatives of the REPLACE team welcomed many visitors and answeres questions from end consumers regarding the possibilities of replacing the heating system. The largest number of questions, as expected, was related to prices, profitability, and investment return period. In this regard, the team took the opportunity to demonstrate how they can easily obtain this information using a quick calculation in the REPLACE calculator as well as an overview using the REPLACE heating matrices.
During the fair, a presentation on the REPLACE project was also held, attended by citizens of Sarajevo Canton of various occupations and fields of activity. After the presentation of the project results, both in BiH and in the partners’ regions, the interest of the participants to use REPLACE tools and opportunities increased significantly.
The conclusion of the presentation was that various opportunities are close to us, but that citizens do not have the opportunity to get enough information about them. That is why the REPLACE project is recognized as an excellent tool for promoting the use of RES, but also an opportunity that enables an easier and simpler transition of end users to cleaner alternatives for heating and cooling. Citizens received answers to many questions they had regarding heating systems, the legislative framework in the Canton of Sarajevo, energy prices, and for everything that our team could not answer, citizens can find in the promotional materials of the REPLACE project handed over during the fair and presentations.